j9九游会资讯 | j9九游会受邀撰写2022年钱伯斯《全球房地产法律实务指南(中国篇)》及《全球建筑工程法律实务指南(中国篇)》
Recently, partners of Real Estate and Infrastructure practice area from Merits & Tree Law Offices were invited by Chambers & Partners to contribute:
2022 Chambers Global Practice Guides: Real Estate (China)
2022 Chambers Global Practice Guides: Construction Law (China)
Our partners provided their insightful comments on various issues of law and practice, trends and development in China’ real estate and construction sectors.
Introduction to Chambers Global Practice Guides
1. 《2022年钱伯斯全球房地产法律实务指南(中国篇)》
本指南分为Law & Practice(法律与实践)与 Trends & Development(趋势与发展)两大部分,后者由j9九游会合伙人撰写。指南全面阐述了中国房地产领域的实操重点、行业发展的最新趋势、新基础设施的发展。
Law & Practice部分共介绍八大主题:总览、买卖、房地产金融、规划与区划、投资工具、商业租赁、建设、税务。
Trends & Development部分介绍了目前中国房地产领域中值得关注的重点问题,结合开发商逾期偿还债务与理财产品、开发商的降杠杆、房地产市场租赁的发展、全国范围内城市更新推广、ESG问题与可持续房地产投资增长、IDC等新基础设施物流中心等多个角度,此部分综合分析了中国房地产法律市场的新动态与新趋势。
1. 2022 Chambers Global Practice Guides: Real Estate (China)
This Guide includes two sections: Law & Practice and Trends & Development, the latter was contributed by our partners. The Guide comprehensively introduces the legal system, key practice areas, industry trends and latest development of China’s real estate sector.
In Law & Practice section eight major topics are covered: general issues, sale and purchase, real estate finance, planning and zoning, investment vehicles, commercial leases, construction, and tax.
In Trends & Development section our partners discuss several cutting edge topics in current practice. For example, there are our insights on overdue payment of debt or WMPs by developers, the development of the rental housing market, urban renewal, ESG and sustainable real estate, IDC and logistics centres. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the latest practice of China’s real estate law.
本指南分为Law & Practice(法律与实践)与 Trends & Development(趋势与发展)两大部分,均由j9九游会合伙人撰写。指南全面阐述了中国建筑工程领域的法律体系、实操重点、行业趋势与最新发展。
Law & Practice部分共介绍了十大主题,从总览、用人单位、作品、价格、工程时间、责任、风险保险和债券、工程合同、补救措施和赔偿、争议解决等多角度,全面深入地介绍了中国建筑工程法律最新实践。
Trends & Development部分介绍了目前建筑工程行业值得关注的热点问题,以期为特定法域开展业务的读者提供有价值的参考。结合推动农村基础设施建设、智慧交通、能源与城市项目、应运而生的新型REITs融资方式建设基础设施、一带一路倡议、改革与简化建筑施工企业资质、建筑行业中的ESG、智能化与数字化行业等多个角度,本部分全面深入地介绍了中国建筑工程法律市场的新动态与新趋势。
2. 2022 Chambers Global Practice Guides: Construction Law (China)
This guide includes two sections: Law & Practice and Trends & Development, which comprehensively introduces the legal system, key practice areas, industry trends and latest development of China’s construction sector.
In Law & Practice section ten major topics are covered, including most aspects in the construction laws: price, time, liability, risk, claims, remedies and damages, and sispute resolution. It provides an in-depth introduction of latest practice of China’s construction law.
In Trends & Development section our partners discuss several hot topics in current practice and provides useful reference for readers who are willing to conduct business in Chinese jurisdiction. Based on profound insight on legislation and judicial practice, our partners introduced rural construction, smart transportation & energy projects, REITs, the Belt and Road Initiative, reform of qualification requirements, ESG in the construction industry, and digitalization in construction. It provides an in-depth introduction of latest trends of China’s construction law.
Guide download
Please scan the QR code to obtain the English version of 2022 Chambers Global Practice Guides: Real Estate (China) and 2022 Chambers Global Practice Guides: Construction Law (China) .